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CBSE 9th Syllabus 2023: Class 9 All Subjects Complete Syllabus for CBSE Academic Year 2022-23

Horizon Academy Best IIT coaching in Delhi & Best Medical Coaching in Delhi brought some information about CBSE Class 9th Syllabus (2022-23): The Central Board of Secondary Education has issued the revised syllabus for Class 9. There are some changes in the revised CBSE syllabus in comparison to the previous years. There is no term-wise system of examination this year and CBSE has once again started following the one-time exam scheme. Students would now be required to prepare the whole syllabus for the annual examinations. Besides this, another major change that can be noticed this year is the content of the syllabus. The board has rationalized the syllabus of almost all subjects and has dropped some chapters/topics to reduce the burden on students. Students can visit the official website to check the complete syllabus for Class 9.

Why is it Important to Know the Class 9 CBSE Syllabus in Detail?


First step in preparing for CBSE exams is to know the complete exam syllabus. As to why it is important, let’s have a look:

  1. It contains all the necessary information that one needs to know
  2. It gives you a rough draft of the topics and their weightage in the exam
  3. It explains the detailed course structure
  4. It gives you an account of the related study material and information about the exam
  5. It outlines your success in the exam

CBSE Class 9 Mathematics Syllabus for 2022-23

Given below is the detailed Class 9 Maths syllabus:

 Unit Name   Marks
 Number Systems     10
 Algebra     20
 Coordinate Geometry      4
 Geometry     27
 Mensuration     13
 Statistics & Probability      6
 Total     80

CBSE Class 9 Science Syllabus for 2022-23

Given below is the detailed CBSE class 9 science syllabus:

 Unit     Marks
 Matter – Its Nature & Behaviour 25
 Organization in the Living World 22
 Motion, Force, and Work 27
 Food; Food Production 6
 Total 80
 Internal Assessment 20
 Grand Total 100

CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus for 2022-23

Given below is the detailed CBSE class 9 Social science syllabus:

 Units Marks
 India and the Contemporary World – I 20
 Contemporary India – I 20
 Democratic Politics – I 20
 Economics 20
 Total 80

Advantages of CBSE Class 9 Syllabus

  • It includes all the important information related to the particular subject. It gives an outline of the course structure.
  • It works as a guide for the students as well as for the teachers.
  • The syllabus also provides information about the assignments, projects, and practices that need to be covered for the respective academic year.
  • CBSE Board Class 9 syllabus will help students to know the topics and sub-topics for that particular academic year.
  • Studying according to the Class 9 syllabus will help the students to be confident while writing the final exam.

Key For Fly

Some key points that can help you with your Class 9 exams are as follows:

  1. Be thorough with the NCERT Syllabus.
  2. Maintain legible handwriting on the answer sheet.
  3. Revise notes and all important topics repeatedly.
  4. Solve Class 12 Previous Year Question Papers for problem-solving skills
  5. Study the NCERT Solutions for a better understanding.

How to Download CBSE 9th Syllabus 2023 from the Official Website?

  • Visit the official website – cbseresults.nic.in
  • Click on the CBSE 9th Blueprint 2023 list
  • Enter the relevant information such as the exam syllabus, and then click the submit button
  • The CBSE 9th Syllabus 2023 will begin to download and display on the screen
  • Take a print of the CBSE 9th Syllabus for future reference


  1. What is the new pattern of CBSE for Class 9 2022?

CBSE’s new syllabus for the session 2022-2023 has been released for class 9. The board will not follow a term-wise pattern, instead, it will conduct a single exam.

  1. What is the change in the syllabus of Class 9 CBSE?

CBSE has reduced the syllabus for Class 9 for the current academic year. The revised CBSE class 9 syllabus 2023 PDF was released online mode at the official website cbseacademic.nic.in. Students can check and download the syllabus and start preparing for the CBSE exam.

  1. Is Class 9 Maths tough?

Class 9 Maths is not difficult if students practice it regularly. Students should understand the basic concepts so that they can also understand the concepts of Class 10 & above maths later. Students need to work hard & with complete dedication to getting good marks in Class 9 maths.

  1. How can I check CBSE 9th Class Syllabus?

To get the detailed revised syllabus for CBSE class 9th syllabus from the official CBSE website https://www.cbse.gov.in/ as well as the above blog.

Following are some of the advantages of studying the Class 9 syllabus:

  • Students can make a proper study plan
  • The syllabus gives an idea of exam pattern, weightage, distribution of marks
  • Students can get an overview of topics and subtopics within the curriculum
  • It helps in gaining confidence, and also makes it easy to follow up with the classes.
  • Students can make a mindmap of the syllabus for better navigation through the revised syllabus



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