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Expected Cutoff & Safe Score For Government Medical College For NEET 2023

On 13 June at 10:00 pm, night, NTA finally declared neet results on the official site of NTA. If you didn’t check your result on the site above for further information, read [here

In today’s article, we will be discussing what will be the expected cutoff of the exam. Or have the seats of MBBS increased? Or is there common counseling this year or not?

Horizon Academy in Yamuna Vihar will be discussing all your questions in this article.

This article will help you to decide what to do now.

Expected Cutoff

As all of you might know, the cutoff for MBBS will increase this year,

Qualifying marks 

Suppose any students want to study abroad or in a private medical college. At Least qualifying for the exam is a must for you. 

What is Qualifying for the NEET Exam?

If any student who scores 50 percentile or more is qualified, 50 percentile is that you are above 50 percent of students. Anyways 

In neet 2022, 99306 students qualified for the exam, which goes up to approx 1145976 students who qualify for the next exam in 2023. It’s a huge jump in numbers. Approx 1.5 lakh students qualify more than the last year. Well, that also increases the qualifying marks this time.


Category Year of examination NEET Cut-off Marks NEET Cut off Percentile
General 2023 720-137 50th
2022 715-117 50th
2021 720-138 50th
General  2020 720-147 50th
2019 701-134 50th
2018 691-119 50th
2023 136-107 40th
2022 116 – 93 40th
SC/ST/OBC 2021 137 – 108 40th
2020 146 -113 40th
2019 133 – 107 40th
2018 118 – 96 40th

As you can see, the general trend of qualifying marks for Neet 2018 – 2023. Neet qualifying marks increased. If you are general and got 137 marks, you are qualified for the neet, and now you are eligible for the counseling. Still, it doesn’t matter because you can’t get into a good college, you probably will get into a private college after that, or you can go abroad for the MBBS.

Marks Vs Rank

As you might already know, AIR 1 this time is Prabhanjan J, who got a full 720 out of 720, and AIR 2 is Bora Varun Chakravarthi also got full marks of 720 in the NEET 2023. 

The shocking thing is that the Top 50 ends by 710. That means if you score 700 in the exam, you will not get the AIIMS delhi. If you want AIIMS delhi, you will have to score 710; after that, you are still determining if you will get AIIMS delhi. Because after rank 32 to rank 50, all students got 710.

In Neet 2022, the student with 705 marks has the 50th rank.

You can see how marks vs rank increase this time. 

Let’s take another example of this, suppose any student gets 661 marks in the next 2023. His rank is 4411. The same number if he gets in next 2022. His rank was 2493. Huge jump of marks vs rank. 


NEET marks NEET ranks
720 – 715 1 – 19
710 – 700 23 – 202
698 – 690 204 – 512
688 – 680 522 – 971
679 – 670 992 – 1701
669 – 660 1702 – 2751
659 – 650 2759 – 4163
649 – 640 4170 – 6061
639 – 630 6065 – 8522
629 – 620 8535 – 11463
619 – 610 11464 – 15057
609 – 600 15070 – 19136

So what will be the criteria of the rank if after rank 32 to 50 all students get 710?

Tie-breaking Process

In case two or more candidates have the same rank, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:

  • Higher marks in Biology: Candidates with higher marks in Biology will be ranked higher.
  • Higher marks in Chemistry: If the tie persists, candidates with higher marks in Chemistry will be ranked higher.
  • Fewer incorrect answers: If the tie persists, candidates with fewer incorrect answers will be ranked higher.

The NEET Admission Cutoff 2023 is the last rank on which admission is granted. Candidates can check the round-wise NEET Admission Cutoff 2023 to know the last rank on which admission was granted in the respective round.

Expected Cutoff of neet 2023 

Let’s first examine the last closing rank in Neet 2022 

Caste  Closing rank 
GEN 22237
EWS 23166
OBC 23011
SC 119091
ST 150172

These are the closing ranks from last year. In this year, approximately 1500 seats were increased. 50% of these sets go to reservations. 

Anyways long story short 

The predicted rank of Neet 2023

Caste  Closing rank  Marks 
GEN 23,000 608
OBC 23,500 610
EWS 23,500 610
SC 1,25,000 485
ST 1,65,000 445


It is all India counseling, state counseling may vary from this. 

What can you do now?

If you are at the margin of these numbers, Horizon academy institute in Yamuna Vihar suggests you start preparation for Neet 2024 and try to take admission. If you get into the college, you can drop your preparation, and if, unfortunately, you don’t get into the college, your preparation is already started. You will surely score amazing this time. 

If you live near Yamuna Vihar or Loni. You can join the most reliable institute, Horizon Academy in Yamuna Vihar. If you join our institute, we will ensure you score amazingly in your upcoming Neet exam. And don’t worry if you fail this time, always remember “It’s only the beginning”.

Horizon Academy in Yamuna Vihar wishes you the very best of luck.


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