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How To Score High With NCERT Textbook in CBSE Exams?

Horizon Academy Jee and Neet Coaching in Yamuna Vihar East Delhi brought the solution How To Score High With NCERT Textbook in CBSE Exams. The CBSE syllabus for board classes is completely based on NCERT. When you go through the last ten years of question papers of board classes, you will realize that most of the questions have been asked from the NCERT textbooks. So, if your goal is a 90+ percent in the board examinations, then make it a habit to read NCERT textbooks.

Students must learn how to make the best use of the NCERT books to secure good marks in the CBSE exams. They must follow a strategic study plan to learn and remember all the vital topics covered in the textbooks. The following tips will help students study the most challenging subjects with ease. Keep the CBSE Syllabus At Hand 

Although the NCERT book sticks to the latest CBSE syllabus, you must keep the CBSE syllabus at hand. Your syllabus will also help you in understanding which topics hold more importance and require more attention. This practice is far more helpful if you have limited preparation time. You will be able to skip the unimportant topics and focus more on the vital ones.

CBSE Class 10 Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Syllabus

Just Read the Chapter To Understand The Concepts 

When you are reading the CBSE book for the first time, simply read the chapter. Your goal is to thoroughly read and understand the concepts. You must not attempt to mug it all in the first go. Such preparations do not last long, and there are higher chances that you might mix up concepts or forget them at the last minute. 

Go Through The Previous Year’s Question Papers

Once you have read the entire chapter, you will have a basic idea of all that it contains. Now before proceeding to the second read, you must go through the previous year’s question papers by Horizon Academy. This way, you will get a glimpse of the commonly asked questions on each topic. So, when you go through the chapter again, you will know the importance of every topic, and also, you will keep an eye on the answers to these questions.  

Read The Chapters for The Second Time and Make Notes

After you have reviewed the question papers, you will have to read the chapters again. You must ensure that you reduce your reading time each time you read the same topic. However, this time you will do more than just a simple read. 

You will highlight the key points and make notes. You must understand that there is a vast difference between reading something and reading plus writing the same. The process of penning down multiplies your preparation ten folds. 

Moreover, when you sit down to make notes from the NCERT textbook, it is not like you read a topic and jot it down in a notebook. There is more to it. You should completely understand the topics you read and then make notes of important points using bullets to enhance readability. 

The right way to take notes is by:

  • Reading the passage or particular topic properly
  • Understanding it
  • Once understood, note down the same in your language. 
  • Make use of diagrams, tables, and flowcharts in your notes for quick learning and easy revisions.

Practice The Exercises 

You can achieve perfection on anything if you practice it regularly. NCERT textbooks ensure that there is enough practice material for students. You must solve all the exercise questions provided at the end of each chapter. Often the concepts that you were unable to understand in the course of the chapter get cleared when you solve practice questions. These questions are not only important for examination but are for your understanding and quick revision of the key concepts in a better way.

Solving the NCERT exercise questions will help you in the following ways:

  • Clear the concepts you learned in a chapter
  • Apply the formulae given in the chapter
  • Familiarise yourself with various types of questions that might be asked in the CBSE examinations    
  • Get enough practice 
  • Improve your speed and accuracy

For Quick Revisions

You can utilize the highlighted area or topics to revise the important concepts just before your exams. Often students feel that there is a lot mentioned in the textbook, and revising straight from the book isn’t that quick. This is when your self-prepared notes from NCERT textbooks come into play. 

When you carefully draft your notes yourself, you know exactly what is mentioned and where you have to look for a particular topic. Notes from NCERT textbooks and highlighted sections within the book make revisions much easier and quicker.

If you follow these tips to study from the NCERT book for CBSE exams, you will surely be able to understand and retain the entire syllabus. 


Horizon Academy Jee and Neet Academy in Yamuna Vihar East Delhi brought something for our students which helps the students How To Score High With NCERT Textbook in CBSE Exams and also helps to build their upcoming aim. As the best Jee and Neet Coaching institute in Yamuna Vihar East Delhi, it is our duty to provide something best. If you have any questions or quarry you can write to us on our contact support.   

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